Sunday, April 12, 2009

My Issues

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Issues
Ok, so I DO have issues. One is that I NEED to be validated. I can't just start a blog and then go about my business without obsessing about whether it's funny enough, or just stupid, etc. I wait on pins and needles to see what kinds of comments are added, and then, that not being good enough, I have to call my two baby sisters (who, I think, are the funniest people I know - especially Kasey, sorry, Kady) and get their opinions.I think that not only are my sisters funny, they are cool, especially Kady, sorry Kasey. I mean, please, she always dresses funky, and she's a world traveler. It's a little humbling to have the little kids, whose diapers you used to change and whose vomit you used to clean up, the little kids you used to teach everything to, etc. now be cooler and funnier than you. Rather than having them look up to me for validation and acceptance, I look to them for those things. The first epiphany I had that I was not in their league, I was no longer young, and I was definitely NOT cool, was the night I was up in the Falls visiting my folks. My sisters had their friends over, and there was a bonfire in the yard. I decided that I was going to go out and join the group of youngsters (and, I thought, my peers) and have fun. I go out, choose a block of wood to sit on, look up, and realize that the conversation had just STOPPED! An old fogey had infiltrated their cool, young group. I quietly just got back up and joined the really old fogeys back in the house.
Posted by Kim at 11:56 AM

kadyhexum said...
p.s. I think you're funny.
November 4, 2008 4:06 PM
Bonnie said...
I think you are funny and quite entertaining...anticipating more from you soon!! lolBonnie
November 5, 2008 6:23 PM
prettiest sister said...
My comment is pending, I have to think about this.
November 7, 2008 12:01 AM
kasey said...
Kady's cool, but she is just a person. She craps her pants one leg at a time, just like we all do.-Ben
November 12, 2008 12:12 AM
Anonymous said...
"we all" meaning you?
November 12, 2008 5:10 PM
kasey said...,whah,whah)-Ben
November 12, 2008 6:14 PM

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